Solving Pixelated/Stairstep Artifacts in Exported Substances

Black and white wood texture that looks pixelated.
Not an article kind of guy? I understand. Here's the video version:

I was making a 3D wood procedural in Designer to use in Painter recently.
To make this, I used a position map.
Everything looks good to me in Designer...

A black and white wood block that doesn't look pixelated.

So I put the substance into Painter, and...

Black and white wood texture that looks pixelated.

Gah! Everything's blocky! How do I fix this?!

The Solution

In Designer, select your input nodes (usually position and normal maps), set the Output Format to Absolute, and set the Bit Depth to 16 bits.

A dialog showing multiple settings, with a red box around one of the settings.

Now export again and the stairstepping should be gone.

Black and white wood texture that doesn't look pixelated.

Why does this work?

Because input nodes usually default to 8 bit, which is too low for maps like position maps. So we have to set it to 16 bit.
